Thursday, July 23, 2009

2009 Trip Summary

El Paso:

This trip has its first informational meeting Sunday, August 2, after church in the library. Exact dates will be decided by the group. Ministry will be to the physically and spiritually poor of this region through volunteering with several homeless shelters and community centers. This will be a short trip - about 4 days - and inexpensive - airfare plus $100 for ministry expense. No heavy construction involved. Contact Susan Sublett at

Aurich, Germany

July 24-August 2
Please be in prayer for this group as they spread the gospel through baseball.


Early November
With Scott and Shirley Grigsby

Quito, Ecuador

First week of December
Karen and Sam Pedersen will be heading back to Ecuador to be a part of "Christmas at the Dump". Contact Sam or Karen at Cost: $2,000

Bogota, Colombia

August 8-15
Tickets have been purchased for this group but if you are interested contact Robyn Patzig at Cost: $1,100


September 24-October 3
Tickets have been purchased for this trip, but we will head back next summer. We ask that you all be in prayer as we take the next step since adopting the Khmer people as our Unreached People Group.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for your ministry with the people of Cambodia! I am with HANDS for Cambodia, a nonprofit based in Richardson, TX, that provides Health And Neighborhood Development Services to the poor of Cambodia ( I shall be in prayer for your Sep 2009 trip! ~Mary Hodge