Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Local Volunteer Opportunities

Below is a letter I received from a volunteer coordinator at World Impact Ministries in Dallas. Groups from our church have volunteered with them several times and we are big believers in what they are doing. Check out their website for more information about them.

Please let me know if there is anything on this list that you would like to help with, and I will be sure to connect you with the people at WID.

Upcoming WID Events

October 23-24th: Jr. High Girls Night

Last year we had 30 girls come to this event. We need Godly women to come serve and build relationships for this night, as it is vital to our ministry. Most of the girls we meet at the Jr. High School will never come to our Wednesday night Bible Study...until they have gone to a girl's night!

This event starts at 5pm on Friday and goes until 9am on Saturday. The location is the women's missionary house at 2729 South Blvd, Dallas, TX. We will need help with purchasing drinks, food, and crafts. As it will be a slumber party, we will be tye-dying pillowcases. Also, we need volunteers to help oversee activities and help prepare food. Please contact Amanda Sherrill if you are interested.

October 31st : Youth Scavenger Hunt

Every year we partner with Interfaith Ministries and provide an alternative to Halloween. With over 60 kids attending, we will need your help! Starting in the afternoon, we will have 3-4 different teams going on a scavenger hunt across DFW. After hours of fun, we come back to the World Impact Ministry Center for food, games, and fellowship. We will need help in the following areas:

  • Donating food
  • Decorating our Ministry Center and setting up tables w/food
  • Attending the scavenger hunt by being a team leader
  • Preparing the scavenger hunt (Contact Amanda or Glen A.S.A.P)
  • Preparing games

As this event is still in the preparation stages, please contact Amanda Sherrill at, or Glen Banks at if you are interested.

November 6th,7th: Garage Sale

In order to raise funds for the ministry, we are having a garage sale at the women’s missionary house (2729 South Blvd, Dallas, TX 75215). Volunteers are needed to prepare and help oversee the garage sale. This would be a great event to get your small group involved in for a service project! The garage sale will run from 8am-1pm Saturday, November 7th. However, we will need assistance the day before in organizing, labeling, and moving items from the World Impact Ministry Center to the women’s missionary house. So if you cannot make it Saturday, please come anytime Friday to help! For more information, contact Amanda Sherrill at

December 12th: Christmas Shoppe!

Look out for the flyer coming soon! Every year WID partners with local churches to make Christmas shopping for the families in our community easier. Save the date, and keep a watch for more information in the upcoming weeks! Please contact Glen Banks at for more information.

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        But now finish doing it also, so that just as there was the readiness to desire it, so there may be also the completion of it by your ability. For if the readiness is present, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have.

      -2 Corinthians 8:11-12

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