Monday, June 16, 2008

Update from the Orths

Guatemala, April 25, 2008

Dear Friends at First United Methodist Church,

We send greetings to you from a warming and trembling Guatemala. Tremors mark the change of seasons from cold and dry to warm and then later on the rains will begin.

Stan often writes these letters but I am insisting on writing this one becuase I think you should know of the impact he continues to have at the Central American Theological Seminary. This is an encouragement to him to know God is still using him to teach the Word. And I believe it can be an encouragement to you who have been with us in this ministry through so many years. You are a great blessing to us.

At the end of the first quarter of the academic year, the Dean's office used a new procedure for student evaluations of each course. A detailed questionnaire is used with a statistical analysis following it. Stan regularly receives high points, but his course, "Principles of Spiritual Formation," received special recognition at a breakfast for the faculty (34 profs) because it earned the highest evaluation of all the classes taught. He thoroughly enjoyed working with the group of 19 students, the largest grad course this quarter. Grad courses meet all morning once a week. He dedicates long hours to preparation and writing notes and the 4 hours of class almost wear him out. Knowing that what he teaches is changing lives and preparing men and women for ministry makes the hard work a joy. These are some of the comments from the students.

"The class helped me to evaluate in a serious way my own spiritual life and take action in
order to grow more in the image of Christ."
"A great class."
"Excellent material"
"Thank you, Dr. Orth, for continuing to bless my life. God has used you to speak to my
Personally the life and teachings of Dr. Orth have been a blessing and challenge in my
life. For the Seminary it is an honor to have him as a teacher."

As I finish this letter, I need to change the subject. We are very grateful to the Lord that for 10 years we have not needed to write about support needs. However, for several years now we have seen contributions diminishing because some of our friends have retired and others are with the Lord. A church is in financial distress. For this reason we are considerably behind in our ministry account which provides for travel, teaching materials, hospitality for Bible study groups, student retreats, secretarial help and many other details. Would you please pray for this need?

"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5 NASB

Barbara Orth

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