Friday, June 6, 2008

Update from Colombianita

For those of you who don't know what's going on, check out Adrienne's tag on the right side of the screen for the story. Adrienne just sent out an email with this update:

"hey folks,
if you are receiving this email it is because i am assuming that you know about the situation within colombianita (the little recycling community where most of our kids come from). the government has been saying for months that they are going to tear it down and send it´s inhabitants to pre-constructed homes in the south of bogota to a place called ciudad bolivar. this has been a huge concern since the moment it was mentioned as a possibility. selfishly, i prayed that it would be postponed until i returned to colombia from my month in the united states. i have now been back since friday and the kids have been here. it was absolutely incredible to see them all again. smiles and hugs have never meant so much. unfortunately the time finally came, they are being forced to leave tomorrow. when we dropped the kids off today for the last time, they had already begun destroying parts of their homes. i write this email to ask for your prayers. prayers for the kids and their families. the government has not followed through on their promise to send them to homes in the most dangerous part of bogota (ciudad bolivar) and as a result they are scattering to all parts of bogota, some with no where to go. there has been a great deal of violence already between the police and the families within colombianita because the people of colombianita do not want to leave. pray especially for the kids. pray that somehow the seeds that have been sown continue to grow and that more will continue to teach them about the love of God. pray for their safety especially during this potentially very violent time.

thank you all for being the family that you are to me.

most sincerely,

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