Thursday, August 7, 2008

News from Aurich

From Sharon:

"We will have our last day of camp in Aurich tomorrow. This has been a very different camp; this has been a greater mission field than Africa because so many of the kids do not know the Lord. But we started out with 17 and now have more than 25 so word did spread and the leaders are already talking about doing it next year...surprising. Please pass the request around to have people praying for us. We have loved on these kids but also shared the gospel in our small groups and the spirit has even improved but we need prayer for the seeds and as we finish with our games, a barbecue and worship service. Also pray for the weather tomorrow. This is one of those times when you know people are praying but really feel the need for backup. I am grateful to have Dave. He will be preaching in a few minutes. Blessings, Sharon"

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