Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Another update from Germany!

Greetings from Germany. As always the schedule here is very hectic so not much time for reports, we finished our third day of camp, I will not see the people working at the big camp until tomorrow. Tonight we do not have a revival, so are off to show Lauren her first castle. It is exciting to see alot of new faces this year. One boy on my team plays Wii baseball and wanted to learn for real. His mother saw the notice in the paper and signed him up, another is here visiting relatives and came with them. Marian has one totally unchurched on her team and she brought several friends to the revival last night. Chris Richey preached and several accepted Jesus. Please pray for our Bible study times, we are a little short handed and have no youth available at the young camp. All are having a blessed time being active participants and witnesses. Blessings from Germany

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