Monday, July 28, 2008

Update from Germany

This is an email my mom got from Sharon Roelke:

"Lindy, we arrived in Frankfurt safe and sound. Catching the train to Cologne we lost Tim Hollis for several hours. He stepped off the train to go to another door and they closed and it took off without him. Thankfully it was him and not one of the younger kids; he kept a cool head, caught the next train to Cologne, got off 1 stop early at the airport, but had money to try and call Nathan whose phone was off, then called his host family who made a connection with the people meeting us in Cologne, they went to the airport and picked him up. James Weaver and KJ's bags didn't arrive with the rest but were delivered today. It is warmer than usual but nothing compared to Dallas. Some of the Houston people flew in to Frankfurt last night and their bags did not arrive, so pray they are found and delivered. Tomorrow we begin camp so keep praying for the kids coming to camp and all of the team working. The scripture theme is Matthew 25:40 Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Also be in prayer for next weeks camp in Aurich, because it is new there are not alot of kids signed up, many will just come to check it out, but there is a big need in the area. Sharon"

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