Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New Update from Kenya

" I hope you received our e-mails and the pictures Joe sent you yesterday. It is Wednesday evening in Kenya. We go to the Bridges Compound each morning and have devotions with the staff. We talked Mike into sharing this morning and it was the staff plus the women there for the womens class. It was a very packed room but Mike did well. They made us sing 'Trading My Sorrows', that has been a hit. Today we visited a girls school and saw 5 girls that Bridges supports so they can go to school. Several have no parents and two have mothers. We will have heartrending storys to tell. This afternoon we visited Kenya Methodist University; it was beautiful and interesting. We have given several of our coffee cups to Methodist bishops here. Tonight for dinner one will come and there is a group from the states. All are doing well, if you can imagine it is much more primitive than East Asia. Tomorrow will be our last day of work here in Meru and then we are on safari. They really do say 'akuna matata' here often, so we all know some swahili. Jambo is hello. Blessings and keep praying for us, Sharon

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