Thursday, January 22, 2009

A couple more trips

There will be a hurricane relief trip for Hurricane Ike on April 1-5. They will stay in Texas City and work in Galveston, similar to the trip they took to New Orleans last year. I believe this year women can come too, as the housing situation is different. The cost for that trip is likely to be $150-200. The purpose of the trip is, I believe, demolition of houses that were destroyed in the hurricane.

A trip is planned this summer for Aurich, Germany, where a team went last year. They will stay in homes and do a baseball camp. It will be July 24-August 2. The cost of the trip will be just a little over transportation costs, including the flight from Dallas and a train ride.

I have added a little bit of information about myself (Abbey Daniels) and my email to the "About me" section to the right. Another way to contact me with questions is just to comment on the particular blog post, I get those in email form as well.

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