Friday, January 23, 2009

Gospel for Asia Update

December, 2008

Jorhat, Assam

Dear sponsors,

Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your precious prayers and financial support for my ministry. Please continue to remember me in your prayer. I too remember you in my prayer. May the good Lord bless you abundantly.

In the last six months of my ministry the Lord blessed me and helped me to reach many villages with the message of the love of God. Also the Lord granted me sound health and guided me in His way in the ministry. I thank God for all his blessings that the Lord has enabled me to experience.

At present I am serving the Lord as a pastor and evangelist at Aantimuria. In this area most of the people are non-Christians. These people are economically very poor. But they are giving good response to the Gospel. The Lord is using us very effectively among these people. Please pray for these people and their salvation.

As a church every day we are involving in different activities like outreach ministry, Gospel preaching, house visitation, hospital visitation, door-to-door evangelism and personal evangelism. Through our ministry many people received the Lord as their personal Savior, and they were added into the church. Please continue to pray for my ministry.

During the last six months of my ministry the Lord enabled me to distribute 200 Gospel tracts and 10 New Testaments. As a result of my ministry five people received the Lord as their personal Savior and received water baptism.

Pray for my church believers that they would stand firm in their faith in Christ.

Pray for me in my ministry so that I may be able to do the ministry effectively.

In Christ,

Anadh Kutum


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