Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'M BACK... I promise.

It has been requested that I post information regarding the trips that we have on schedule for this year. So I will oblige, but a few at a time so they can be searched via tags.

First of all, a group of 10 or 11 from our church will be going to East Asia March 13-22. Three or 4 people on that trip will be on their first ever overseas mission trip, so pray for that group! See Ellen Childress or ask me about more information, although I think it's full.

Over the same week, a group will be going to Quito, Ecuador. They will be working with an organization called Extreme Response there that 5 of us from FUMC worked with in December. See Sharon Roelke for more information about that one, or ask me!

Check back for more info, I'm going to start being more regular about posting on here. Holidays are nuts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you're going to refer to yourself and refer people to yourself you should tell us all who yourself is! :)

Looking forward to the new updates, could you elaborate a little more on purpose and goals for the trips?