Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Update on Guatemala

The following is from a letter from Jeff Dietz concerning the trip to Guatemala. Please email the front desk with any questions ( Thanks!

" Because of some of the confusion up front about when the trip was going to happen, whether it was going to be during CCA’s spring break or when everyone else was taking spring break, Ted [Fogwell] has had some difficulty in getting some of the medical personnel that would otherwise have been able to come. We also have a dilemma with flights in that we would have to be leaving on Friday [March] seventh or returning on the sixteenth or seventeenth which eats into the week prior or the following and makes it difficult for some of those who were interested in going. After talking with Ted a couple of Sundays ago, we determined that it would be better if we looked at going at a later date, possibly when another medical trip was already scheduled to go. So the medical part of the trip has definitely been postponed.

There are fifteen students from Dallas Christian College who are going to do a VBS with the school and there are ten people from CCA who are interested in working with the VBS as well and they will more than likely be going.

I have been putting out feelers with our people and the majority who had expressed interest in going were just that- interested but not committed, and it is down to crunch time in regards to flights. It seems as though those who were interested in going were mostly interested for the medical part of the trip, so we have decided to postpone the trip to a later date when we can go and do a medical mission.

If anyone is interested in going to help with the VBS portion I will be more than happy to put them in touch with the young lady who is leading the VBS portion of the trip from Dallas Christian College and I am sure they are welcome to go and join with them, but as for it being a trip for a large group from the church it will not be at this time.

Let me know if there are any further questions that I can help any one with.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Updates on Mission Trips

Here is some more concrete information about the mission trips available through First UMC:

New Orleans will be March 5th-9th

Colombia will be March 15th-21st

Kenya will be June 25th-July 5th

The trips to Germany will be to Daubringhausen on July 26th-August 3rd and
to Aurich August 4th-9th

Missions Sunday

Get ready for our church's TWO missions Sundays! This year we will have two weeks of missions focus, one to raise awareness of the full-time missionaries supported by First Church, and one to inform everyone and get us excited about the trips that are available to us.

February 17th, Paul Galahity will be a guest speaker in the CCA cafeteria during both Sunday School hours. This Sunday, the focus will be on our church's vision to have every single church member participate in a mission trip (this does not have to be out of the country!) in the near future.

February 24th, Tyler Savage will be our guest speaker in the CCA cafeteria during both Sunday School hours. This week we will be updated on all of the work the Lord is doing through full-time missionaries supported by the prayers and gifts from our church.

If you have any pictures from mission trips that you have participated in, please email them to

Monday, January 21, 2008

Local Mission Opportunities

Sidewalk Bible School Sidewalk Bible School is a program that reaches out to Carrollton children. On Saturday mornings, from 11AM to noon, Sunday school is taken to a neighborhood in South Carrollton, next to a nursing home. The purpose is to take Sunday School to the children who aren’t attending a church currently. For more information, contact Carolyn Giffen (

Jail Ministry Jail Ministry is an outreach ministry to men and women inmates, two times a month—teaching a Bible lesson and sharing God’s love. It is an awesome experience to feed the spiritually hungry and lead them to the Lord – Contact Alan Hitt (

Kairos Prison Ministry Kairos offers the Emmaus Walk experience to people in correctional institutions. This national program offers a 3-day weekend with a profound effect on the residents in prison. Opportunities to be a support through Prayer are available. Contact Alan Hitt (

Hosea's Hope Hosea's Hope brings awareness about coming out of the adult entertainment industry, with speakers available to schools and community groups about helping women caught in this industry. Contact Carolyn Giffen (

Individual/Small Group/Sunday School Volunteer opportunities Get involved in your area of interest serving our neighbors in need. Construction, tutoring, mentoring, food service, childcare, visiting elderly, food/clothing drives, use your imagination! Contact Abbey Daniels (

Upcoming Trips Through First Church

Bogota, Colombia -- March 15-22, 2008
Hurricane Katrina -- March, 2008
Hooper, Colorado -- June/July (4 day trip)
Kenya -- June, 2008
Germany -- July/August 2008

More to be announced!

Update from Colombia (11/27/07)

Dear FUMCC Missions board

Greetings from Colombia and Merry

We longed to send you a personalized email after so many
general news letters. God has been so good to us, this year that is almost
ending is a good proof of it. We minister in three continents and visited 7
countries. We were able to bless hundreds in different ways, particularly the
Milenial leaders as they are getting ready to carry the banner and to go forward
with the missionary task. Our desire and dream is to equip them, to give them
the necessary tools, to help them to release their full potential in Christ.
Doing so we feel we are doing our part to secure the inheritance of the next
generation of leaders in the Church and Missions from Latin America.

There is no way we could put into words the level of gratitude that is
in our hearts for you and for the FUMCC. We just feel that you care for us as
God does. Thank you for being so faithful and kind to us.

We love and pray for FUMCC and of course we love you all. We pray for you name by name and we trust God's care is shown to you every day. In this approaching Christmas season we wish you the complete blessing from our King.

...I'll love to hear from you once in a while.

Ricardo and Marilu Rodriguez
God with YWAM
South America

Missionaries Don't (Only) Need Your Money!

This is an excerpt from The Purpose of Prayer (1925).

"Some years ago, the record of a wonderful work of grace in connection with one of the stations of the China Inland Mission attracted a good deal of attention. Both the number and spiritual character of the converts had been far greater than at other stations where the consecration of the missionaries had been just as great as at the more fruitful place.
"This rich harvest of souls remained a mystery until Hudson Taylor on a visit to England discovered the secret. At the close of one of his addresses, a gentleman came forward to make his acquaintance. In the conversation that followed, Mr. Taylor was surprised at the accurate knowledge the man possessed concerning this China Inland Station. 'But how is it,' Mr. Taylor asked, 'that you are so conversant with the conditions of that work?'
"'Oh!' he replied, 'the missionary there and I are old college-mates. For years we have regularly corresponded. He sends me the names of enquirers and converts, and these I daily take to God in prayer.'
"At last the secret was found! A praying saint at home, praying definitely, praying daily, for specific cases among the heathen. That is the real intercessory missionary."


Welcome to the Missions blog for First United Methodist Church!

This blog is being created to be a source of information for people interested in FUMC Missions. We hope to keep you all updated on a few things:
  • The prayer and financial needs of the missionaries we support as a church
  • Who we support as a church and what kind of work they are doing
  • Opportunities within our own church to participate in missions, and specific information about those

I hope you'll check back often to see what the Lord is doing in the world with the help of First UMC!