Monday, January 21, 2008

Update from Colombia (11/27/07)

Dear FUMCC Missions board

Greetings from Colombia and Merry

We longed to send you a personalized email after so many
general news letters. God has been so good to us, this year that is almost
ending is a good proof of it. We minister in three continents and visited 7
countries. We were able to bless hundreds in different ways, particularly the
Milenial leaders as they are getting ready to carry the banner and to go forward
with the missionary task. Our desire and dream is to equip them, to give them
the necessary tools, to help them to release their full potential in Christ.
Doing so we feel we are doing our part to secure the inheritance of the next
generation of leaders in the Church and Missions from Latin America.

There is no way we could put into words the level of gratitude that is
in our hearts for you and for the FUMCC. We just feel that you care for us as
God does. Thank you for being so faithful and kind to us.

We love and pray for FUMCC and of course we love you all. We pray for you name by name and we trust God's care is shown to you every day. In this approaching Christmas season we wish you the complete blessing from our King.

...I'll love to hear from you once in a while.

Ricardo and Marilu Rodriguez
God with YWAM
South America

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