Monday, January 21, 2008

Missionaries Don't (Only) Need Your Money!

This is an excerpt from The Purpose of Prayer (1925).

"Some years ago, the record of a wonderful work of grace in connection with one of the stations of the China Inland Mission attracted a good deal of attention. Both the number and spiritual character of the converts had been far greater than at other stations where the consecration of the missionaries had been just as great as at the more fruitful place.
"This rich harvest of souls remained a mystery until Hudson Taylor on a visit to England discovered the secret. At the close of one of his addresses, a gentleman came forward to make his acquaintance. In the conversation that followed, Mr. Taylor was surprised at the accurate knowledge the man possessed concerning this China Inland Station. 'But how is it,' Mr. Taylor asked, 'that you are so conversant with the conditions of that work?'
"'Oh!' he replied, 'the missionary there and I are old college-mates. For years we have regularly corresponded. He sends me the names of enquirers and converts, and these I daily take to God in prayer.'
"At last the secret was found! A praying saint at home, praying definitely, praying daily, for specific cases among the heathen. That is the real intercessory missionary."

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