Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Missions Sunday

Get ready for our church's TWO missions Sundays! This year we will have two weeks of missions focus, one to raise awareness of the full-time missionaries supported by First Church, and one to inform everyone and get us excited about the trips that are available to us.

February 17th, Paul Galahity will be a guest speaker in the CCA cafeteria during both Sunday School hours. This Sunday, the focus will be on our church's vision to have every single church member participate in a mission trip (this does not have to be out of the country!) in the near future.

February 24th, Tyler Savage will be our guest speaker in the CCA cafeteria during both Sunday School hours. This week we will be updated on all of the work the Lord is doing through full-time missionaries supported by the prayers and gifts from our church.

If you have any pictures from mission trips that you have participated in, please email them to ddaniels@firstchurch.net.

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