Monday, January 21, 2008

Local Mission Opportunities

Sidewalk Bible School Sidewalk Bible School is a program that reaches out to Carrollton children. On Saturday mornings, from 11AM to noon, Sunday school is taken to a neighborhood in South Carrollton, next to a nursing home. The purpose is to take Sunday School to the children who aren’t attending a church currently. For more information, contact Carolyn Giffen (

Jail Ministry Jail Ministry is an outreach ministry to men and women inmates, two times a month—teaching a Bible lesson and sharing God’s love. It is an awesome experience to feed the spiritually hungry and lead them to the Lord – Contact Alan Hitt (

Kairos Prison Ministry Kairos offers the Emmaus Walk experience to people in correctional institutions. This national program offers a 3-day weekend with a profound effect on the residents in prison. Opportunities to be a support through Prayer are available. Contact Alan Hitt (

Hosea's Hope Hosea's Hope brings awareness about coming out of the adult entertainment industry, with speakers available to schools and community groups about helping women caught in this industry. Contact Carolyn Giffen (

Individual/Small Group/Sunday School Volunteer opportunities Get involved in your area of interest serving our neighbors in need. Construction, tutoring, mentoring, food service, childcare, visiting elderly, food/clothing drives, use your imagination! Contact Abbey Daniels (

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